H2OLAB: software platform for numerical models in hydrogeology
The software platform H2OLAB is devoted to stochastic simulations
of groundwater flow and contaminant transport in highly heterogeneous porous and
fractured geological media.
H2OLab is a workpackage of the project MICAS funded by ANR-CIS.
- H2OLab contains software, a database of simulation results and a web portal to the database.
H2OLAB is an essential tool for the dissemination of scientific results.
Software is currently privately owned, but the objective is to build public distributions.
Software policy
- Modularity and genericity are fundamental for software of this size.
These requirements are satisfied by a rigorous design inspired from UML techniques and by an object-oriented approach.
H2OLab is completely written in C++. Parallelism is based on MPI. Software uses open source numerical libraries.
- The platform can run on both Windows and Linux systems.
Target computers are powerful workstations, clusters or supercomputers.